
International marriage is tough compared to marriage among people with the same nationality.
In fact, We (DF&KYMT) have experienced the difficulties in our establishment of international marriage.

There were a lot of things we didn’t know in inquiries and applications to public agencies, And we made various disgusting thoughts. (For details, ⇒ Reason for launching globall marriage cheering team)
The purpose of the global marriage cheering team is to reduce those who experience such hardships.

For a person who is dating with Japanese

“I am currently associating Japanese and I want to do international marriage in the future”
“I am thinking of international marriage, I do not know what to do concretely”
If you say, please refer to the following page.

Marriage with Japanese people
▼ Basic knowledge ・ Residence status / What is residence card ・ Good things to do when you dating with Japanese ・ Fou...

For Burmese who are dating with Japanese

Because we are couple of Japan and Myanmar,
we have information specialized in marriage between Myanmar and Japanese people.
Therefore, If you say that,
“I am Myanmar and dating with the Japanese and thinking about marriage”
please refer to the following page.


For a person who got married internationally with a Japanese

I think that various doubts will come out even after international marriage is established.
“Should I change my name in Japan?”
“If a child was born between a couple, what should we do?”
For such people please refer to the following page.


About inquiries

If you have any questions, please contact us from the following page.

About US
Name: DF (administrator of this site) Date of birth : January 29, 1990 Place of birth : Japan (Kyoto) Special ski...
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