Wedding in Myanmar

Wedding in Myanmar

When preparing to travel to myanmar, my hometown of my wife in mid August 2017,
Two or three days before going to Myanmar, from my wife’s grandmother

“Do you want a wedding ceremony?”

I got the word of.

Well, you can hold such a sudden! What?

I felt that way with the sense of the Japanese, but if I enter the village it follows the village.
For the time being, I entrusted myself to the flow, and I caught my wedding in Myanmar.

I am thinking I will look back on the wedding ceremony listed in Myanmar while comparing it with the wedding in Japan.

It is unknown whether our wedding ceremony in Myanmar is common in Myanmar

About the venue

The wedding venue listed in Myanmar was held at a temple in a pretty wide hall.

So, different from Japan is an invitee.
Especially that there is a relative there is no change, but monks who train at that temple come (?) Come.

That number 200 people? … Don!

Everybody prayed for “I wish you a nice marriage” in Burmese and went home as soon as I ate rice.

Just going back was brilliant.

About clothes

In Japan, I think that a couple of wedding dress and suit is common.
It is in the form of kimono at the next point.

Myanmar seems to have a wedding that wears a wedding dress,
Both brides and groom seem to have a general style of winding a long cloth on the waist called Lonzie (pseudo)
We also wore Longzi.

By the way, men ‘s Longie seems to have a modest color and market price, but since I like fancy colors rather than plain color, I wear Longie for women.

About ritual

Speaking of the wedding ceremony in Japan, I think that the priest will tell me the words of vow or the Shinto ceremony, but here too, a great temple priest came out, He prayed a lot.

I did not understand well, but I did something like lifting the table and praying.

But I do seriously do not know the meaning, I think that it is surprisingly important.

That wife’s cousin ( 10 years old ) was praised that point.

About meals

It is frugal as compared with Japan, but something like chicken rice called Danpauk (Dampu), soup, something like Osaka and ice cream came out.

The appearance was honestly subtle, but it was delicious unexpectedly.

About the cost

The cost of wedding ceremonies in Japan is commonly between 200 and 3 million yen, and I feel that it is very high, as it is how much we will collect in a donation.
I personally feel that I am going to put out that money there and implement it.

Meanwhile, it cost me 100,000 yen in Myanmar.

It was very satisfying for me to celebrate my relatives of Myanmar side very economically.

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